Professional dropshipper
Amateur drop shipper
Number of suppliers/agents
Multi-vendor/agent platform
Basic dashboard/sheet with 1 suppliers/agents
Contact person
EU account manager with an advisory and supporting role
A Chinese contact person
EU timezone, High level service with transparent and clear communication, reliable and flexible
Time difference, language barrier, not always reliable
Product quality
Quality Manager in China
Often poor quality
Other services
Dropship fulfillment, EU warehousing, Sourcing & forwarding, Return service and store service
Dropshipping fulfillment and sourcing & forwarding only
Data and insights
Be able to manage based on supply chain data through dashboarding and reporting
Total lack of understanding of what is happening with the orders. Complete blind spot
The best price for each product by different suppliers/agents who work with a bidding system
Only the most competitive price for some products
Less customer service due to automated emails for address errors and orders with status "Available for pick up"
0 automations that will advance your dropshipping business
Dispute rate
Daily order checks to ensure your dispute rate is as low as possible
Preventively nothing is checked, lots of disputes after the fact
Payment methods
Easy payment with paypal, amex, ideal and many more payment methods through the platform
Limited payment options
Updates and improvements
Monthly new features, updates and improvements in response to your feedback
An error-prone spreadsheet that tracks your finances, no updates and also few improvements. We are focused on you as a dropshipper, their on packing and shipping orders.
No fee needs to be paid to Service Points, as they apply profit share with suppliers
Same fee as working with Service Points
No. With us you can work with multiple private suppliers/agents and with CJ/Hypersku/Dayone only with one supplier. In addition, we provide insight into the complete supply chain data so that you can optimize in a targeted manner. This is also not possible with the other parties. Finally, we provide a premium service through our EU account managers.
Yes, that's for sure. Please fill in this form .
Yes, that's possible. Then there is probably a bug behind this. Please always pass this on to your account manager immediately so that we can resolve this as soon as possible.
Yes, monthly and sometimes weekly updates go live. You can follow them in our Discord under the “Platform updates” channel.